Bridging Communities: Building Sustainable Futures
Welcome to the IFSW European Social Work Conference 2025 in Oslo, Norway!
Save the dates: October 6th-8th 2025.

You can now register for the conference
Be aware that there are separate registrations for the main event in Oslo and the post-conference in Alta.
Abstract submissions are now open
Abstract submissions are now open! There are eight sub-themes you can choose from. Read more about them below.
Below you can read about the criteria and types of presentations you can give (poster presentation, paper presentation, work shop and symposium).

Here you will find the speakers that are confirmed for the conference.
The theme of the conference
Social workers operate at the intersection of individuals, families, societies, cultures, and nature. One of the greatest challenges of our time is the impact of climate change on both individuals and societies. Simultaneously, the deadline for achieving the UN’s sustainability goals is rapidly approaching. Where do we stand, and what remains to be done? How can social workers contribute? What is the hope for the future? What can we as social workers learn from indigenous perspectives? How can we build a sustainable future together?

Important dates:
- Conference registration opens: Monday, January 13
- Abstract submission deadline: Sunday, March 16
- Abstract approval finalized: Thursday, May 1
- Early Bird deadline: Thursday, May 15
It pays off to be an early bird! And it pays off to be member of an organization that is member of IFSW or to be an IFSW Friend. Price includes three day conference, lunches and reception at Oslo City Hall.

Want more?
Join the post-conference in Alta in the north of Norway for even more focus on Indigenous Social Work! This takes place October 9-10. Read all about it here.
There are limited spots available, so make sure to register early. The same applies to travel and accommodation in Alta!