Eva Josefsen
Eva Josefsen, PhD in Political Science, is a professor in Social Sciences at the Department of Social Work and Child Welfare, UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

From 2020 to 2024, she led a research project aimed at investigating how Norway, by establishing a Commission to Investigate Norwegianization Policy and Injustice towards the Sami, Kvens, and Norwegian Finns (Truth and Reconciliation Commission), addressed the effects of a prolonged policy of Norwegianization that targeted these groups. Josefsen has over twenty years of research experience in Sámi politics and Sámi society. This includes both internal Sámi affairs, including cross-border aspects, and how Sámi politics is present in local, regional, and state politics. Her thematic focus has been broad, encompassing, among other things, gender equality, discrimination, education, health and social aspects, media research, and research on indigenous land rights and resource management.