The theme of the conference

Social workers operate at the intersection of individuals, families, societies, cultures, and nature. One of the greatest challenges of our time is the impact of climate change on both individuals and societies. Simultaneously, the deadline for achieving the UN’s sustainability goals is rapidly approaching. Where do we stand, and what remains to be done? How can social workers contribute? What is the hope for the future? What can we as social workers learn from indigenous perspectives? How can we build a sustainable future together?
The main theme of the conference is green social work/eco-social work, climate change, the UN’s sustainability goals, and indigenous perspectives. Norway has a large indigenous population – what can we learn from them and other indigenous peoples around the world about living in harmony with the earth?
If you would like to contribute to the conference with a presentation, we invite you to submit an abstract that thematically revolves around at least one of these main themes:
- Green social work
- Climate change
- UN’s sustainability goals
- Indigenous peoples’ perspectives
The theme is provisional and will be revised by the program committee.
Being both a professional association and a trade union, we also want to lift this perspective into the conference That is also the reason why we have selected Oslo Congress Centre as our venue The Congress Centre has been a part of the Norwegian Trade Unions history since 1885 and is partly owned by the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions.
The theme of the conference correlates with the Global Agenda’s overarching theme, which is “Co-building Inclusive Social Transformation”.
This page will be updated with more information.